For the nostalgia of it all:
Three M and M pretzels - colorful, playful and very familiar. Milk chocolate covered pretzel coated with a barrage of very well loved M and M's.
Two cookies and crunch - a rich, dark Belgian chocolate dressed pretzel, absolutely smothered with dark chocolate and cream cookie pieces. The crunch of the pretzel and the topping of the cookie, thus so appropriately named!
Two Double Down Dark - our crunchy, snappy, salty pretzel drenched in our dark Belgian chocolate, then drenched again in mini dark chocolate chips.
One Kit Kat - our savory pretzel, coated in milk chocolate, covered with Kit Kat Pieces and then drizzled with dark chocolate.
One peanut Butter Crunch - milk chocolate covered pretzel, dark chocolate drizzle, and in between both a mound of peanut butter cup.